Department of Empowerment
To Become Empowered Society Itself.
Being an organization catering to the weaker sections of the society, empowering them to grab every opportunity to make their lives better is one of our core enterprises. Along with that encouraging the mainstream society to accept those who belong to the underprivileged community is our aim. So is empowering the transgender or the vipritalingi community which isn’t widely accepted by the people of India, empowering them and focusing on providing them with equal opportunities that a person belonging to the binary sexes would is one of our major goals.
To promote the empowerment of the needy and the transgenders Samagra Foundation had launched ‘Saksham’ a skill development initiative wherein they were introduced to the benefits of the various schemes laid out by the government for them. We gave them training in various fields such as Intellectual Development, Personality Development, Digital Training.
Providing opportunities did not end at just developing their skills, we also provided them with all the aid and guidance needed to become an entrepreneur so that they could stand on their own feet without being dependent on others. For students appearing for competitive exams we left no stone unturned to make sure that they performed well in it.

Where Community Becomes Together
#Discover Campus A Campus we worked
Entrepreneurship is important, as it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs, but also for related businesses. Entrepreneurs also helps employability for the skilled youth.
It becomes quintessential to bridge the gap between PwDs and employment generation opportunities through specialized professional development courses at the training centres.
As women are primary caretakers of the family, International studies states that as the economy changes, women could take the lead in helping the family in their growth and adapt to dynamic situations.
Skill building among the people should be given proper importance in order to empower the society