

Till now we reached & spreading all over India


Students engaged

Live and digital training sessions



Sustainable impacts all across the country

Why Samagra ?

Samagra stands to upgrade lives. We are Focused on Empowering Communities

Why Samagra ?


To lead a life, don't suffer the consequences, take the responsibility to change it.


Samagra accreditions

Samagra Foundation is accredited with the State Government of Maharashtra.

Samagra accreditions

Ready to join us?

Let’s contribute for revolutionary change in the society and fulfill happiness.

Ready to join us?

#Case studies Success Story

Vulnerability to Empowerment

Nilesh’s determination and the transformative initiatives of the Samagra Foundation have enabled him to carve out a successful career and uplift his circumstances.

Transforming Lives through Skill Development

Anand Raundale, born with a locomotor disability exceeding 80%, is a shining example of how skill development can transform lives.

#Find your contribution pathway Find What Fascinates you

#Discover Samagra A Campus

The Samagra Foundation is a place for Health, Education, Empowerment – the three essentials that unlock progress for communities and economies worldwide.

#Testimonial What People Says

Hear the experiences from our contributors, acceptors.

#Event Upcoming Events


We are pleased to invite your esteemed organization to participate

#Donation Give a Donation Greater

See our latest campaign, and if can you please donate a
small part but its significance for us to help people.

#Institutes #Training centers Samagra for empowerment

Whether you’re looking for the authorized training centre where you wish to deliver knowledge and build a career path for learners. 


Volunteering is a social service activity to provide your time freely to help people, community and the society.



Help you get hands-on learning in your chosen area, understand how a non-profit works and develop your leadership skills.


Training Centre

Supports entrepreneurs who want to start new business and need professional services with the accreditations.

Training Centre

#connections Our Associates