According to a report released on by UNICEF, 90% of the deaths of children under the age of five in India are due to malnutrition. According to the report titled ‘Status of Children in the World ’90, one in two children of this age group is affected by malnutrition. Growth shrinkage (5%), organ degeneration (4%) and overweight a Including s (2%). Only 5% of children (ages 6 to 6 months) are fed sufficient time and 5% of children get adequate variety diet. One in two women has a blood clots. Children under the age of five have the highest blood levels. More in Science: Locked Down Ganga, Yamuna Cleared, Indians Stoned and Spit Up to 5 Vaccine Medical Instruments: How the Law of Disease Prevention came into being by doctors and scientists … Children High blood pressure, chronic kidney disease and prediabetes stage had to be diagnosed disorder in children like adults aged less than it seems from the data ahepaca years was suffering from the deficiency of micro posadravyam. Every fifth child under the age of five has vitamin A deficiency and one out of three children has vitamin B1 and two out of every five children have a blood deficiency. Anemia-free India program has been hailed as one of the best programs for malnutrition by governments all over the world. Understanding the program’s XXX policy (six targeted beneficiary groups, six interventions and six organizational mechanisms) for using anemia testing and treatment as an access point for providing information on healthy diets. Overweight and obesity increase the risk of non-communicable diseases like diabetes (1%) in childhood among school-age children and adolescents. In urban India, people are eating unhealthy food habits, which is affecting children’s food choices and their consumption is rural. The area is also spreading. In India, the dietary intake of children causes a severe lack of protein and micronutrients in children’s diets. Their diet has an impact on the choice of food at home. The report says that only 1 large firm controls the sales of 5% of processed food globally. In the case of the global situation, UNICEF reports that at least one in three children – or 2 million children under the age of five – are either malnourished or obese. About two-thirds of children between the ages of months and two years are exposed to their body and brain According to him, is not given by law to grow food. This puts them at risk of impaired brain development, impaired learning ability, reduced immunity, high levels of infection, and many times more deaths.

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